In the last session of the UNHRC in March, a US-sponsored resolution hostile to Sri Lanka was passed. In the coming session too, the council is expected to take a critical stance.
India’s concerns
In the March session, India got the US to dilute its resolution before voting for it. This time, sources say, India may find it difficult to help the island nation in the light of some developments which it finds disturbing.
Foremost among them is Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s reported statement that the 13th Amendment (13A) of the Sri Lankan Constitution, which gives a measure of autonomy to the provinces, should be scrapped because it is fostering “separatism”.
The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), a constituent of the government, has started an agitation to get the 13A repealed on the ground that it was enacted at the point of the Indian gun. It has been India’s consistent line that devolution of power to the provinces, including the Tamil-dominated north and east, will bring about peace and ethnic reconciliation to the troubled island.
© Indian Express
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