Thursday, January 21, 2010

State media turned into presidential propaganda outlets - RSF

Flouting a 15 January supreme court ruling, state-owned TV stations Rupavahini and ITN continue to openly favour President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s campaign to win another term in the presidential election to be held on 26 January with a total of 21 candidates taking part.

Detailed monitoring by Reporters Without Borders has established that 98.5 per cent of the news and current affairs air-time on these two stations on 18 and 19 January was given over to the president and his supporters. This violates the constitution, above all its seventh amendment and article 104 (b) empowering the electoral commission.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

United Nations concern over Sri Lanka poll violence

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed alarm at the violence surrounding the run-up to Sri Lanka's presidential election.

He has urged all political parties and their supporters to "refrain from violence... and to avoid provocative acts throughout the election period".

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heroes Cross Swords in Sri Lanka

Brahma Chellaney - Two celebrated heroes who, as president and army chief, helped end Sri Lanka’s long and brutal civil war against the Tamil Tigers are now crossing political swords. Whichever candidate wins Sri Lanka’s presidential election on January 26 will have to lead that small but strategically located island-nation in a fundamentally different direction – from making war, as it has done for more than a quarter-century, to making peace through ethnic reconciliation and power sharing.

Sri Lanka, almost since independence in 1948, has been racked by acrimonious rivalry between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils, who make up 12% of today’s 21.3-million population. Now the country is being divided by the political rivalry between two Sinhalese war idols, each of whom wants to be remembered as the true leader who crushed the Tamil Tiger guerrillas.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sri Lanka: Countdown begins

B. Muralidhar Reddy - The year 2010 will be a watershed year in Sri Lankan politics irrespective of whether or not the incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa becomes for the second time the people’s choice for the country’s most powerful executive job.

No Sri Lanka-watcher would have imagined a few months ago that the January 26 presidential election, called prematurely by Rajapaksa two years before his current term was to end, would turn out to be a contest mainly between the President, with 40 years of political experience, and General Sarath Fonseka, the military commander who prematurely retired from service and entered politics a few months ago. One week is a long time in politics; and there could be very few instances in contemporary history where the dictum has proved so accurate.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sri Lanka War Chiefs Fight for Peace Spoils

By Melanie Gouby - He may seem the most unlikely candidate of all, but former army chief General Sarath Fonseka has shaken off the Sri Lankan establishment and engaged in a fierce campaign to beat his former ally to the presidential throne.

General Fonseka, the very man who led the army to victory, and once part of current president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s inner circle, dramatically turned against the power in place and declared he would run against his old friend in the election.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

War refugees struggle to rebuild in Sri Lanka

By Krishan Francis - The vast rice fields of Kilinochchi are overgrown with shrubs. The herds of cattle and goats have disappeared. The tractors and motorcycles are gone. Buildings and homes have been bombed into heaps of concrete rubble.

War refugees have found little left of their old lives as they trickle back to their villages in the former Tamil Tiger stronghold eight months after Sri Lankan forces crushed the rebel group.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sri Lanka: A Human Rights Agenda for Sri Lanka’s Presidential Candidates - Amnesty International

Read the Human Rights Agenda for Candidates

Amnesty International calls on all candidates standing in Sri Lanka’s Presidential elections on January 26th to end widespread human rights violations and the culture of impunity that continues to plague the country.

On Monday (18), the organization issued a 10-point Human Rights Agenda for all candidates.

“Candidates should commit to restoring respect for basic rights, like life and liberty, ending arbitrary arrests and detention, enforced disappearances and torture, and to restoring respect for freedom of expression,” said Yolanda Foster, Amnesty International’s Sri Lanka specialist. “In the longer run, what’s needed is to rebuild Sri Lanka’s institutions so that they can protect efficiently and without discrimination. That’s the only way to restore public faith in the justice system.”

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sri Lanka’s Choice

Chris Patten - Pity the poor Sri Lankan voter. As presidential elections loom on January 26, the public is faced with a choice between two candidates who openly accuse each other of war crimes.

The current exchange of charges and counter-charges between retired Gen. Sarath Fonseka and President Mahinda Rajapaksa must be particularly confusing to those Sri Lankans who consider both to be war heroes rather than war criminals. Many from the ethnic Sinhalese majority feel that, regardless of the human costs in the last months of the long-running civil war that ended last year, both leaders deserve credit for finally finishing off the terrorist 
Tamil Tiger rebels.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sri Lanka graduates above IMF low income status: Cetral Bank

Sri Lanka has moved out of the countries eligible for financing from the International Monetary Fund's poverty reduction and growth facility with greater access to capital markets and higher incomes, the Central Bank said.

"Accordingly, Sri Lanka will now be recognised as a country with a middle income emerging market status," the Central Bank said in a statement.

"This upgrade would facilitate Sri Lanka to project itself strongly in international financial and capital markets."

The Central Bank said the IMF has moved Sri Lanka out of the list of countries from the list of countries that comes under the poverty reduction growth facility trust.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Army refutes claims by tribunal

By Amira Cader and Achala Dissanayake - The Sri Lankan Military today refuted the charges raised by the Dublin tribunal on Sri Lanka saying the tribunal had not conducted a proper inquiry. The tribunal had charged that Sri Lanka was guilty of war crimes and also claimed that it had gathered evidence from some soldiers.

However Military Spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara, speaking to Daily Mirror online, said that the tribunal dose not have evidence to prove that any war crimes took place in Sri Lanka.

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