Tuesday, February 28, 2012

UK 'to deport 100 Tamils' as Sri Lanka fights UN resolution

Channel 4

A plane chartered by the British government is to deport about 100 Tamil asylum seekers to Sri Lanka, according to a human rights charity.

Human Rights Watch claims the aircraft will fly the Tamils back to the country where they could face interrogation and torture.

It claims at least eight similar flights have flown Tamils back to Colombo in recent months, and several of those deported have gone on to face serious abuse by Sri Lankan army forces.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sri Lanka: With media gagged or threatened, no progress for freedom of information

Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Without Borders calls on all members of the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council, which began its 19th session yesterday, to pass a resolution condemning the Sri Lankan government’s violations of freedom of information and to demand an end to threats and violence against news media and human rights defenders in Sri Lanka.

“For more than a year we have been seeing new forms of censorship and a deterioration in journalists’ ability to work although the war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) officially ended in 2009,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Rather than wait until the Universal Periodic Review to make recommendations, the Human Rights Council’s members should adopt a resolution now urging the government to take measures to improve freedom of information.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sri Lanka protest over UN war abuses resolution

Photo courtesy: vikalpa.org

BBC News

Protests are being held across Sri Lanka against plans by Western nations to sponsor a UN motion calling for a probe into abuses during the civil war.

Sri Lanka's army defeated separatist Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009 - both sides have been accused of abuses.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sri Lanka’s dead and missing: the need for an accounting

By International Crisis Group

Nearly three years since the end of the war, there’s a growing need for an accounting of – and for – those killed and missing in the final months of fighting in northern Sri Lanka in 2009. Members of the UN Human Rights Council, opening its 19th session in Geneva today, should be ready to press the Sri Lankan government for real answers.

Instead of grappling with the many credible sources of information suggesting tens of thousands of civilians were killed between January and May 2009 – including the UN’s real-time data collection, international satellite imagery, and the government’s own population figures – the government is rewriting history on its own terms. In the lead up to the Human Rights Council session, the government released an “Enumeration of Vital Events” for the Northern Province. It finds the total death toll during the five bloody months of fighting in 2009 to be under 7,000 with another 2,500 missing, but it doesn’t differentiate between civilians and combatants or assign responsibility for any death to either the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) or to government forces.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sri Lankans hit by price hikes

By Amantha Perera (IPS) | Asia Times Online

First the government devalued the Sri Lankan rupee by 3% in November. Then interest rates were raised. To cap that, United States sanctions hit Iran, which meets 90% of this country's oil needs.

The government this month limited its intervention in the foreign exchange market, where it had been selling billions of dollars to prop up the local currency. February began with the rupee trading at 109 per dollar; two weeks later it had slipped to 120.

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