Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kombavil 'New Village' : Resettlement or forced relocation?

By Aru'loaviyam Maniram


There is a saying in Tamil, that “you will find the house, if there is a path”. It means, there won’t be residences without a path or road. It has a deep cultural meaning in Tamil.

Kombavil 'camp', will be the new form of famous Manikfarm camp. Earlier, the vanquished Tamil people were detained in Manikfarm camp, from where their cries at least reached outside world. But now, once more they are going to be relocated against their will, which will ensure that any such cries will not be heard by anyone.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Call to investigate Sri Lanka disappearances

BBC News

A human rights group has called on Sri Lanka's government to investigate the disappearance of two activists in the northern city of Jaffna.

Lalith Kumar Weeraraj and Kugan Muruganathan disappeared last week. They organised demonstrations on behalf of the families of missing people.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SL Army launches ‘Geo-Citizen Information System Project’

Cartoon courtesy of awanthaartigala.blogspot.com

By Cheranka Mendis | Daily FT


The Sri Lanka Army, in a first for South East Asia, has developed a citizen information collection scheme known as the ‘Geo-Citizen Information System Project’ at a cost of Rs. 2.5 million.

Run under the authority of the Defence Ministry and created by the Centre for Research and Development and Sri Lanka Army, the project aims at creating a digital data base on all citizens living in the country.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dead bodies in Sri Lanka's exclusion zone - British MEP

By Charles Haviland | BBC Sinhala

A Member of the European Parliament who’s just led a delegation visiting Sri Lanka says he believes there are many bodies of dead civilians buried in exclusion zones where the final fighting of the civil war took place in 2009.

Member of European Parliament Richard Howitt said there should be full access to the areas. But the government says the zones are off-limits because there are landmines there. The number of civilian war deaths remains hotly disputed.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Missing persons' parents stage protest amidst harassment by SL military

Tamil Net

For the first time in Jaffna, kept under the iron fist of occupying SL military, parents and relatives of the missing persons, braved SL army barriers and harassment by the occupying soldiers and riot police and staged a protest in front of Jaffna Bus stand on Wold Human Rights Day seeking global attention on the plight of those reported missing since the end of Vanni war in 2009. The SL military and police blocked the organisers from Colombo, the Civil Monitoring Commttee of missing persons, at Veampadi in Jaffna, for hours blocking them from reaching the site of the protest. The protestors managed to intuitively stage the rally without the organisers, political observers in Jaffna said. In the meantime, a JVP dissident group member, Lalith Weeraraj, who was on his way to the protest site has been reported missing at Aavarangkaal. The SL Police attacked reporters covering the protest.

Tension prevailed in the city of Jaffna as the SLA personnel were deployed at several checkpoints questioning and harassing people asking the travellers where they were heading. Each and every traveller on Point-Pedro Jaffna Road were stopped and checked at 8 check posts by the SL military reminding the days of 2007.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

JVP presents 13-point plan for reconciliation

By Shamindra Ferdinando | The Island

The JVP on Saturday (10) said that those held for their alleged involvement with the LTTE should have been tried before Tamil speaking judges.

Launching a special political campaign in the Northern Province, the JVP lambasted the UPFA government for keeping LTTE suspects in the dark as to what was going on in courts.

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