Monday, February 27, 2012

Marie Colvin and Sri Lanka war crimes

By Chandana Keerthi Bandara | BBC Sinhala

Her iconic figure with a black patch over the left eye reporting from global conflict zones has been seen by hundreds of thousands around the world.

Marie Colvin killed in Syria, alongside award winning photojournalist Remi Ochlik, lost her eye in Sri Lanka when shot at by the military while entering government territory after filing a report to the Sunday Times from restricted Tamil Tiger held territory in April 2001.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Nambiar tells Sri Lanka Government blocked him

By Matthew Russell Lee | Inner City Press

With controversy revived about Sri Lankan war crimes including the murder of surrendering prisoners, Inner City Press on February 24 asked UN official Vijay Nambiar to explain his role in these "white flag" killings, and if involved Major General Shavendra Silva should be a UN Senior Adviser on Peacekeeping.

On camera, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's deputy spokesman insisted that Nambiar would not answer the question. Nambiar said "if necessary" he would answer afterwards.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Our duty to Sri Lanka, and human rights


By Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson | The Guardian

This week the UN Human Rights Council has an opportunity and a duty to help Sri Lanka advance its own efforts on accountability and reconciliation. Both are essential if a lasting peace is to be achieved. In doing so, the council will not only be serving Sri Lanka, but those worldwide who believe there are universal rights and international legal obligations we all share.

Nearly three years since the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by the Sri Lankan government there has still been no serious domestic investigation of the many allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by both sides during the civil war's final stages. These tragic events cannot simply be ignored.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sri Lanka Army to hold 'Defence Seminar 2012'

Colombo Page

Sri Lanka Army will hold the 'Defence Seminar-2012' with the participation of foreign experts on the post-war 5Rs - Rehabilitation, Re-integration, Re-construction, Resettlement and Reconciliation.

The three-day seminar is scheduled to be held from August 8-10 on the theme 'Towards Lasting Peace and Stability'.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sri Lanka: Fishermen leader in hiding after threats

BBC Sinhala

A Sri Lankan leader of World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP) has urged authorities to guarantee his safety following death threats after fishermen's protest against recent fuel price increase.

Herman Kumara, the Secretary General of the WFFP told BBC Sandeshaya that he noticed a group following him in a van on his arrival after attending an international conference in Rome.

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