Ministry of Defence | Daily News
Senior Research Fellow for South Asia, National Defence University, USA and former Deputy Assistance Secretary of Defence for Asia Pacific Security Affairs 2007-2009 Professor James Clad will deliver the Keynote address. Twenty-two delegates specialized in naval and maritime affairs from Australia, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa and USA will attend the conference.
"This is a significant platform where we could learn from each other", says Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who also views the necessity as paramount in the wake of rapid development of Sri Lanka as a regional and international maritime hub. This is a great opportune for both strategists and tacticians with an abundance of experiences in maritime affairs to map-out more cohesive measures facilitating both security and international trade, he further said.
The event participants include officials from Australia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South-Korea, United-States and Oman.
Speaking on the event Conference Coordinator (SLN) Commodore NBJ Rosayro said, the two day conference which is scheduled to commence from Friday (o6th August) to be the first of its kind hosted in the island since the defeat of the LTTE terrorist outfit. We are also optimistic of continuing the event annually, adding much significance in the international/ regional security calendar, he said.
According to naval sources, research papers from professionals in the fields of security, international relations and maritime affairs are to be presented at the conference. Meanwhile, the official web site of the event www.galledialogue.com with exclusive live web-footage is to be launched Friday (06th August), by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inauguration ceremony.
The Jet-wing Hotels and Sri Lankan Air lines are facilitating the event with complementary partnerships.
© Defence.lk | Daily News
1 comment:
I regularly check the news on the SL Ministry of Defence website, as matter of fact, it's one of my "faves". I've discovered they have a flair for 'sculpting' a lot of news to fit their agenda. Whatever that may be.
I learned they launched a new website "Galle Dialogue" today, and did a bit of online snooping of who else was aware. You are most definitely more of a "Sentinel" than I am.
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