By Kumsyoh | Groundviews
The celebrated author Miroslav Volf refers to low intensity evil as a complete system, which prevents others, from obtaining economic, social or psychological necessities through domination. It is low intensity because it is not outright persecution. Sadly it has the ability to work subversively trapping a naïve populace into believing in its perverted logic. Saying it -simply watch out! There could be schemes being hatched, already hatched, in fact the chicks could be running about even now, they appear normal, but they are working towards making someone, some people dominant. The flip side is that some people will not be finding the economic, social or psychological necessities that life requires because a group suppressed it to make themselves strong. This article attempts to engage in a larger issue than the ethnic issue alone. It attempts to engage the way our society functions.
The logic to make someone or a group dominant at the cost of others is evil. Those who want to dominate make their viewpoints the most dominating viewpoints in public life. They make their viewpoint permeate every facet of society; it is beamed through different lenses and repeated intentionally so that it would influence the totality of the way people think. Then Historians pick up this dominating viewpoint and trumpet out loud how the past was glorious when the dominating viewpoint was in play, and how the past victimized us when some other viewpoint was dominant. Political scientists play the same tune in all forums like DJ’s play the ‘in song’ at all the parties. Cultural anthropologists make stoic arguments at to how the community is under threat if the dominant viewpoint is not dominant, or if any other viewpoint is allowed to compete. Artists extol the virtues of the dominant group, and what you get is a public trapped into perverted logic. Somebody or some group must go down for myself or my group to come up. Is it of little wonder that all these groups appear to find an easier path to the Sri Lanka parliament, simple by echoing the dominant viewpoint?
Think of the argument about national sovereignty that is in the air. Whose sovereignty does it deem to protect? Is there any chance for anyone to stand up and say, we are signatories to the conventions that espouse Human rights and Humanitarian Law, and if there has been a breach there has to be an investigation? If not what does sovereignty mean? Is the sovereignty of the people different to the sovereignty of the state?
The problem with low intensity evil is that it cannot be always managed. With sustained dissent or the convergence of suppressed anger and we can experience violent repercussions, leaving us to wonder what went wrong.
Sri Lankan has been down this path before. Should we travel on it again?
© Groundviews
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